Selasa, 29 November 2011

Ekspedisi Marco Polo

Marco Polo adalah seorang pedagang dan penjelajah asal Venesia Italia yang memberi inspirasi orang-orang Eropa untuk melakukan ekspedisi menemukan daerah-daerah baru di luar Eropa. Berkat catatan perjalanannya yang ditulis dalam buku Il Milione, terbukalah rute dagang antara Eropa ke Asia yang sebelumnya dianggap berbahaya dan belum terpetakan.
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Minggu, 27 November 2011

Softwere analisis butir soal ANATES

Salah satu masalah dalam sistem evaluasi di sekolah adalah teknik analisis yang dirasakan belum berjalan maksimal. Analisis hasil evaluasi diperlukan untuk mengukur ketercapaian suatu kompetensi dasar berdasarkan KKM yang ditetapkan sehingga tindak lanjut hasil evaluasi baik berupa program remedial ataupun pengayaan dapat dilakukan. 

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Jumat, 25 November 2011

Media Pembelajaran Sosiologi

Sebagai salah satu cabang ilmu pengetahuan sosial, kajian sosiologi menjadi bagian penting dalam kurikulum di sekolah mulai dari jenjang pendidikan dasar hingga pendidikan tinggi. Untuk jenjang pendidikan dasar, kajian sosiologi dilaksanakan secara terpadu bersama disiplin ilmu ekonomi, sejarah dan geografi sehingga ruang lingkup kompetensi dasar untuk pendidikan dasar meliputi empat bidang yaitu (1) Manusia, Tempat, dan Lingkungan (2) Waktu, Keberlanjutan, dan Perubahan (3) Sistem Sosial dan Budaya dan (4) Perilaku Ekonomi dan Kesejahteraan.

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Penjelajahan Samudera

Setelah Konstantinopel direbut Kerajaan Turki Ustmani dari tangan Romawi tahun terjadi perubahan besar pada peta perdagangan di Eropa. Bangsa Eropa berjuang mencari jalan ke Timur mencari tempat asal rempah-rempah. Sehingga terjadinya perubahan jalur perdagangan dari Barat ke Timur. Keinginan untuk melakukan pelayaran mencari asal rempah-rempah itu juga didorong oleh adanya penemuan dan kemajuan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Kemajuan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi pelayaran berkembang setelah Nicholas Copernicus mengemukakan teori heliosentris. Selain teori Copernicus, kisah perjalanan Marcopolo juga mendorong kegiatan pelayaran bagi para pedagang dari Eropa. Marcopolo telah melakukan perjalanan menuju Cina (1271-1272). Perjalanan Marcopolo itu telah ditulis dalam buku yang berjudul Imago Mundi (keajaiban dunia). Buku tersebut tersebar di kalangan para pelaut dan saudagar Eropa.
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Minggu, 20 November 2011

Borobudur, Indonesia's cultural masterpiece

Borobudur is Culture heritage shaped temple, located in the Borobudur Village, District of Borobudur, Magelang regency, Central Java Province. Geographical environment of Borobudur Temple surrounded by Mount Merapi and Merbabu in the east, Mount Sindoro and Cleft in the north, and mountains Menoreh south, and is located between River Progo and the Elo. Borobudur temple is built upon a hill that has been modified, with a height of 265 above sea level. Borobudur Temple is one of the wonders of the world that exist in Indonesia. This temple is a Buddhist place of worship which was built during the Old Kingdom of Mataram, on syailendra dynasty.
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Prambanan, priceless heritage

Prambanan temple is one of the heritage history that show the high civilization of Indonesia in the past. This building historic is the largest Temple Hindu in Indonesia. Prambanan temple is located on the island of Java, approximately 20 km east of Yogyakarta, 40 km west of Surakarta and 120 km south of Semarang, just on the border between the provinces of Central Java and Yogyakarta. Prambanan Temple located in the village whose territory is divided between the districts of Sleman and Klaten.

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Taj Mahal is an amazing historical heritage

Taj Mahal is an amazing historical heritage in the face of the earth. This building historic is the proof that love has an unlimited power. Historic buildings is created because the power of love of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to his beloved wife Mumtaz-ul-Zamani or Mumtaz Mahal. Its construction took 23 years (1630-1653) and is a masterpiece of Mughal architecture. Shah Jahan, emperor of the Mughal Empire has a great wealth during its heyday.

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Chinese Great Wall Symbols greatness history

Chinese Great Wall.  this historic building is a spectacular historical heritage, one of the seven wonders of the world. The building was made by the force of human instinct to survive from enemy attack. Great Wall of China reached 6400 km in length extending from the region Sanhai Pass in the east to Lop Nur in the west. Height of 8 meters, 5 meters wide at the top. Each distance of 180-270 m made a kind of watchtower with High 11-12 m. western end The fort is located at the of Gansu Province of China Jiayu West and Eastern tip on Yalu River on the edge of Northeast China's Liaoning Province, past the 9 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions along the 7300 kilometers. In 1987, These building included in the list of World Heritage history. Sites by UNESCO.
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Colosseum, the Roman triumph of historical heritage

Colosseum is one of the heritage of the triumph of the Roman empire. This historic building was made to place the show gladiators, executions of prisoners and the fight between animals. Colosseum became a massacre so that thousands of people and animals die in this place. The building in the form of an ellipse-shaped stadium, length 188 m, height of 48 m and the extent of 2.5 hectares. Arena games are made of wood measuring 86 mx 54 m and covered with sand. The floor covered with sand aims to prevent the blood does not flow everywhere. Elliptical shape aims to prevent the gladiators ran to the corner and prevents the audience near to the show. Colosseum could accommodate 50,000 spectators. This building became one of the greatest works of Roman architecture ever built.

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Kaaba, the sacred Muslim Building

Kaaba is a historic building one of the seven wonders of the world, a place sacred to Muslims. This building is also called the Baitullah, a center of worship and Qibla of Muslims when praying. The shape resembles a cube height 13.10 m and 11.03 m x12 side, 62m. located in the middle of the Grand Mosque in Makkah. Every year millions of Muslims from all over the world visited this place for pilgrimage. Historians opinions differ as to who founded the Kaaba. Some opinions say angels, and there is an opinion that ka'ba founding is prophet adam.

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Al-Aqsa Mosque, the second qibla Muslims

Al-Aqsa Mosque, also is one of Islam's holy places, part of a complex of sacred buildings in the Old City of Jerusalem (East Jerusalem). Al-Aqsa is one of the historical heritage of Islamic civilization in the world. This mosque complex known to Muslims as Al-Haram ash-Sharif or "noble sanctuary. " Jews and Christians know as the Temple Mount. Al-Aqsa Mosque is considered as the third holy place of Muslims, entry in the series of events Isra'Mi'raj. The Book of Hadith explains that Muhammad taught Muslims oriented towards Al-Aqsa Mosque (Baitul Maqdis) until 17 months after moving to Medina. After that, change the direction to pray in the Kaaba to the present. Al-Aqsa Mosque in the holy book called the Qur’an in the events of Isra 'Mi'raj.

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Blue Mosque, the legacy of Ottoman glory

Blue mosque is a relic of historic Turkish Ottoman Empire and and one of the historic buildings. Called "blue mosque" because the blue dome lid. The mosque is located in Istanbul city of Turkey, was built by Sultan Ahmed I in 1609 and completed in 1612. Sultan Ahmed Blue Mosque built to emulate the Hagia building artificial Sopia Byzantine emperor (Constantin I). Hagia Sopia located one block from the Blue Mosque. Before falling into Otoman Turkish empire in 1453 AD, Hagia Sopia is the Byzantine Church. Blue Mosque has six minarets, dome diameter of 23.5 meters, 43 meters high dome, concrete pole diameter of 5 meters.
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Angkor Wat, Cambodia's world wonders

Angkor Wat is a historic building, shaped a temple, located in the city of Angkor, Cambodia, and is regarded as one of the wonders of the world. Angkor Wat is a heritage history, was built King Suryavarman II mid-12th century AD .Development of Angkor Wat temple would take 30 years. Angkor Wat Angkor located in the plains, where dozens of building a beautiful temple.Angkor Wat is the most famous temple in Angkor plain. According to Hindu faith,Mount Meru is the center of the world, and the residence of Hindu deities. That is why the temples of Angkor are placed here. Tower of Angkor Wat highest located in the middle, and became the main tower building in the complex of Angkor Wat.
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Prophet`s mosque, an Islamic heritage

Prophet's Mosque, is one of the most important mosque located in the city of Medina,Saudi Arabia because it was built by Prophet Muhammad. This mosque is a historic building and historical legacy of Islamic glory, become the tomb of the Messenger and his friends. The mosque is one of the main mosque for Muslims after the Grand Mosque in Mecca and the Al-Aqsa  mosque in Jerusalem. Prophet's Mosque is the second mosque, built by the Prophet Muhammad, after the Quba Mosque, founded on the way migrate from Mecca to Medina. Prophet's Mosque was built since the first Prophet arrived in Medina. The location the previously a place for drying dates belonging orphans Sahl and Suhailbin 'Amr. The land was later purchased to build a mosque of the Prophet Muhammadand his residence.

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Eiffel tower, icon of the Paris City

Eiffel tower is identical and historic building in  Paris City. The haritage of this historic can be said symbol of the Paris City, and became a magnet for millions of tourists all over the world for visit it. visit to France is incomplete if it does not visit the Eiffel. Eiffel Tower is located in the Champ de Mars, the River Seine, Paris. Eiffel is a global icon of France, famous buildings in the world even one of the wonders of the world. This tower was built in 1889 and designed by Gustave Eiffel, so the name also derives from the name eiffel designer. More than 200,000,000 people have visited the tower since its construction in 1889, even in 2006 reached 6.7192 million a fantastic journey, so that the visit object of most tourists in the world. tower structure 325 m high, is approximately equal to the 81 floor building.

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Pyramids giza

Great Pyramids Giza is a historic building, the oldest and largest pyramid from the three pyramids at Giza Nekropolis. Pyramids Giza is the heritage of ancient Egyptian civilization and one of the Seven Wonders of World. According to historians, this pyramid is used as apharaoh's tomb, the fourth dynasty of Egypt. Pyramids Giza was built around 2560 BC,takes time more than 20 years. This pyramid also often called the pyramid of Khufu. Pyramids Giza area located in the area near Cairo (Egypt), pyramids are found here the largest compared to pyramid on earth.Pyramids Giza or the great pyramids in the desert lies a temperature more than 35 degrees Celsius, comprising three plus one big Pyramid Sphinx. The third pyramid is Khufu (Cheops), Khafre (Rakhaef / Chephren) and Menkaure (Mycerinus) plus three small pyramids. Each pyramid of Cheops, Chepren and Mycerinus have similarity Interior.
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Volcano Yellowstone

Yellowstone Volcano is one of a series of active volcanoes located on the west coast of the United States. Mountains of fire in this region is part of a ring of fire thatsurrounds the Pacific Ocean, and into areas prone to earthquakes. YellowstoneVolcano storing wealth of flora, animal and amazing natural beauty, so designated as nature conservation area in the world's first-named Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone National Park is a national park in the United States Located in the state of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. Covering 3468 square miles (8983 km ²).Yellowstone National Park is the world's oldest national park, established on March 1,1872 when the leadership of U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant. 
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The Acropolis

Acropolis is Heritage Historic in Greece, This site, shaped building natural stronghold or citadel in ancient Greece. The Greeks built their towns in plains near or around a rocky hill that could easily be fortified and defended. The word acropolis referred both to the hill and to what was built on it. Almost every Greek city had its acropolis, which provided a place of refuge for townspeople during times of war. Sometimes the ruler of the town lived within the walls of this stronghold. In many cases the acropolis became the site of temples and public buildings and thus served as the town’s religious center and the focal point of its public life and as a place of refuge.
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Inca civilization

Inca civilization is vast kingdom in the Andes Mountains of South America that was created by the Quechua, a Native American people, in the 15th century ad. The Inca Empire was conquered by the Spanish in the early 16th century. The Incas built a wealthy and complex civilization that ruled between 5 million and 11 million people. The Inca system of government was among the most complex political organizations of any Native American people. Although the Incas lacked both a written language and the concept of the wheel, they accomplished feats of engineering that were unequaled elsewhere in the Americas. They built large stone structures without mortar and constructed suspension bridges and roads that crossed the steep mountain valleys of the Andes.
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Garden of Babylon

Hanging Gardens Babylon is one heritage history ancient civilization babylonian. This site is one Seven Wonders Ancient World, located in Al-Hillah, 50 KM south of Baghdad, Iraq, and east of the River Euphrates. The term hanging garden does not mean hanging using a rope, only just its location on the mainland is a bit high. this garden area estimated 4 acres (1 acre = 4046.86 m). Its architecture is unique, because it is stratified. The park is planted with a variety of beautiful trees and equipped with irrigation systems to a height of 100 meters above ground level. From the top of this garden scene can view around the kingdom of Babylon. 

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ancient mayans,world heritage sites

Ancient maya civilization is one the world heritage sites. Maya Civilization, an ancient Native American culture that represented one of the most advanced civilizations in the western hemisphere before the arrival of Europeans. The people known as the Maya lived in the region that is now eastern and southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, and western Honduras. They thrived for more than 2,000 years. The Maya built massive stone pyramids, temples, and sculpture; developed a system of writing using hieroglyphs; and recorded their achievements in mathematics and astronomy. Archaeologists long believed that Maya culture reached its highest development from about ad 300 to 900, during what is known as the Classic period. Recent discoveries in northern Guatemala, however, have challenged that assumption. There, archaeologists have found highly developed cities, sophisticated art, and examples of Maya writing that date from as early as 600 years before the Classic period began.
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Kamis, 17 November 2011

Media Pembelajaran Sejarah

Secara umum media pembelajaran dapat diartikan semua alat bantu atau benda yang digunakan dalam kegiatan mengajar untuk menyampaikan pesan pembelajaran kepada peserta didik menggunakan salah satu atau gabungan indera. manfaat media pembelajaran bagi guru yaitu (1) memberikan pedoman, arah dan tujuan pengajaran (2) menjelaskan struktur, tata urutan dan hierarki belajar (3) memberikan sistematika mengajar (4) memudahkan kendali pembelajaran (5) membantu kecermatan dan ketelitian penyajian. Mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial terutama dari dimensi Standar kompetensi berbasis sejarah membutuhkan berbagai media pembelajaran baik visual (gambar, foto, dokumen) atau berbentuk media bergerak (video, Flash player) untuk mengkontekstualkan materi pembelajaran.

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Sabtu, 12 November 2011

Pembelajaran IPS Terpadu

Pembelajaran terpadu pada mata pelajaran IPS sangat diperlukan dalam pelaksanaan KTSP, mengingat standar isi mata pelajaran IPS pada dasarnya sudah menganut prinsip integrasi. Namun kenyataan di lapangan guru masih kesulitan menerapkan pola integrasi baik inter disipliner maupun intra disipliner. Mainset guru masih terkotak-kotak sesuai pada bidang ilmunya ketika menempuh pendidikan S1. Hal ini adalah implikasi karena LPTK masih jarang bahkan mungkin belum ada yang meluluskan guru-guru IPS.
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Jumat, 11 November 2011

Download musik klasik mozart

1. Quartet No 14

  • Quartet No 14 track 1                 DOWNLOAD
  • Quartet No 14 track 2                 DOWNLOAD
  • Quartet No 14 track 3                 DOWNLOAD
  • Quartet No 14 track 4                 DOWNLOAD
  • Quartet No 14 track 5                 DOWNLOAD
  • Quartet No 14 track 6                 DOWNLOAD
  • Quartet No 14 track 7                 DOWNLOAD
  • Quartet No 14 track 8                 DOWNLOAD

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Senin, 07 November 2011

Download musik klasik untuk bayi

Kata para ahli, proses belajar akan lebih optimal jika dua belahan otak yaitu otak kanan dan otak kiri bekerja sekaligus. Prof Roger Sperry dari Universitas California menjelaskan bahwa otak kiri berfungsi untuk pemikiran akademik seperti bahasa, matematika, pemikiran logis, runtut, dan analitis. Sedangkan otak kanan berhubungan dengan aktivitas-aktivitas kreatif yang menggunakan rima, irama, musik, kesan visual, warna dan gambar. Nah... untuk merangsang kerja otak kanan terutama bagi anak-anak, disarankan menggunakan musik klasik sejak dalam kandungan hingga masa pertumbuhan.  Naah bagi sahabat semua yang membutuhkan musik klasik saya coba siapkan album badtime lulabies di bawah ini. Monggo silahkan klik di link download di bawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat.
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