Minggu, 20 November 2011

The Acropolis

Acropolis is Heritage Historic in Greece, This site, shaped building natural stronghold or citadel in ancient Greece. The Greeks built their towns in plains near or around a rocky hill that could easily be fortified and defended. The word acropolis referred both to the hill and to what was built on it. Almost every Greek city had its acropolis, which provided a place of refuge for townspeople during times of war. Sometimes the ruler of the town lived within the walls of this stronghold. In many cases the acropolis became the site of temples and public buildings and thus served as the town’s religious center and the focal point of its public life and as a place of refuge.
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Inca civilization

Inca civilization is vast kingdom in the Andes Mountains of South America that was created by the Quechua, a Native American people, in the 15th century ad. The Inca Empire was conquered by the Spanish in the early 16th century. The Incas built a wealthy and complex civilization that ruled between 5 million and 11 million people. The Inca system of government was among the most complex political organizations of any Native American people. Although the Incas lacked both a written language and the concept of the wheel, they accomplished feats of engineering that were unequaled elsewhere in the Americas. They built large stone structures without mortar and constructed suspension bridges and roads that crossed the steep mountain valleys of the Andes.
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Garden of Babylon

Hanging Gardens Babylon is one heritage history ancient civilization babylonian. This site is one Seven Wonders Ancient World, located in Al-Hillah, 50 KM south of Baghdad, Iraq, and east of the River Euphrates. The term hanging garden does not mean hanging using a rope, only just its location on the mainland is a bit high. this garden area estimated 4 acres (1 acre = 4046.86 m). Its architecture is unique, because it is stratified. The park is planted with a variety of beautiful trees and equipped with irrigation systems to a height of 100 meters above ground level. From the top of this garden scene can view around the kingdom of Babylon. 

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ancient mayans,world heritage sites

Ancient maya civilization is one the world heritage sites. Maya Civilization, an ancient Native American culture that represented one of the most advanced civilizations in the western hemisphere before the arrival of Europeans. The people known as the Maya lived in the region that is now eastern and southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, and western Honduras. They thrived for more than 2,000 years. The Maya built massive stone pyramids, temples, and sculpture; developed a system of writing using hieroglyphs; and recorded their achievements in mathematics and astronomy. Archaeologists long believed that Maya culture reached its highest development from about ad 300 to 900, during what is known as the Classic period. Recent discoveries in northern Guatemala, however, have challenged that assumption. There, archaeologists have found highly developed cities, sophisticated art, and examples of Maya writing that date from as early as 600 years before the Classic period began.
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Kamis, 17 November 2011

Media Pembelajaran Sejarah

Secara umum media pembelajaran dapat diartikan semua alat bantu atau benda yang digunakan dalam kegiatan mengajar untuk menyampaikan pesan pembelajaran kepada peserta didik menggunakan salah satu atau gabungan indera. manfaat media pembelajaran bagi guru yaitu (1) memberikan pedoman, arah dan tujuan pengajaran (2) menjelaskan struktur, tata urutan dan hierarki belajar (3) memberikan sistematika mengajar (4) memudahkan kendali pembelajaran (5) membantu kecermatan dan ketelitian penyajian. Mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial terutama dari dimensi Standar kompetensi berbasis sejarah membutuhkan berbagai media pembelajaran baik visual (gambar, foto, dokumen) atau berbentuk media bergerak (video, Flash player) untuk mengkontekstualkan materi pembelajaran.

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Sabtu, 12 November 2011

Pembelajaran IPS Terpadu

Pembelajaran terpadu pada mata pelajaran IPS sangat diperlukan dalam pelaksanaan KTSP, mengingat standar isi mata pelajaran IPS pada dasarnya sudah menganut prinsip integrasi. Namun kenyataan di lapangan guru masih kesulitan menerapkan pola integrasi baik inter disipliner maupun intra disipliner. Mainset guru masih terkotak-kotak sesuai pada bidang ilmunya ketika menempuh pendidikan S1. Hal ini adalah implikasi karena LPTK masih jarang bahkan mungkin belum ada yang meluluskan guru-guru IPS.
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Jumat, 11 November 2011

Download musik klasik mozart

1. Quartet No 14

  • Quartet No 14 track 1                 DOWNLOAD
  • Quartet No 14 track 2                 DOWNLOAD
  • Quartet No 14 track 3                 DOWNLOAD
  • Quartet No 14 track 4                 DOWNLOAD
  • Quartet No 14 track 5                 DOWNLOAD
  • Quartet No 14 track 6                 DOWNLOAD
  • Quartet No 14 track 7                 DOWNLOAD
  • Quartet No 14 track 8                 DOWNLOAD

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Senin, 07 November 2011

Download musik klasik untuk bayi

Kata para ahli, proses belajar akan lebih optimal jika dua belahan otak yaitu otak kanan dan otak kiri bekerja sekaligus. Prof Roger Sperry dari Universitas California menjelaskan bahwa otak kiri berfungsi untuk pemikiran akademik seperti bahasa, matematika, pemikiran logis, runtut, dan analitis. Sedangkan otak kanan berhubungan dengan aktivitas-aktivitas kreatif yang menggunakan rima, irama, musik, kesan visual, warna dan gambar. Nah... untuk merangsang kerja otak kanan terutama bagi anak-anak, disarankan menggunakan musik klasik sejak dalam kandungan hingga masa pertumbuhan.  Naah bagi sahabat semua yang membutuhkan musik klasik saya coba siapkan album badtime lulabies di bawah ini. Monggo silahkan klik di link download di bawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat.
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